3 Wholesome Ways to Start Your Morning

Food, Living

jimmy dean delights

Let me first make one thing clear: I am not a morning person. I have never been a morning person. I will probably never be a morning person. If it weren’t for the whole, ‘having a job and needing to be a responsible adult’ thing, I would probably go to bed around 2:00 a.m. and wake up around 10:00 a.m. (assuming a blissful 8 hours of sleep).

In college, my earliest class began at 10:00 a.m. and my motto was, “if your major requires you to take 8:00 a.m. classes, then change your major.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t quite fly in the corporate world ten years later.

Though, I am quite lucky, as my current job begins at 9:30 a.m., so while I do get to bed before 2:00 a.m., I have a little more luxury than most when it comes to hitting that snooze button at 7:30 a.m. Even so, I do need some motivation to actually get out of bed when the alarm goes off and let me tell you, it’s not a one-step process.

For those of you who, like me, struggle with mornings, here are a few tricks in my arsenal that get me rising and shining at an age-appropriate hour.

jimmy dean delights 2

Pre Set Your Coffee Machine

You know what else I like more than sleeping? Well, no, maybe it’s close second. My morning coffee is an absolute must and I have a coffee maker that lets you pre-set your morning pot so that you’ll wake up to the scent of fresh coffee brewing.

I don’t want to say that it works like a charm, but it works like a charm.

When I need to wake up for something important, like an early meeting or a flight, I have a whole pattern: I set two alarms, and in between them, I set the coffee pot so that I have three opportunities to get up and moving – and if coffee isn’t motivation in the morning, I just don’t know what is.

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Plan Your Breakfasts for the Week  

If there’s one thing I like more than sleeping, it’s eating. This fall, I traded my coffee shop pastry breakfast for lower carb, higher protein options and between that and a few other dietary changes, managed to lose 25 pounds (and I’ve actually kept 20 of them off). When breakfast isn’t a chore, it can actually be something you look forward to in the morning, the same way you sit at your desk and fantasize about lunch for four hours or the way you think about your dinner while you’re still eating your lunch.

Whether you’re a cook or not, there are some really delicious, wholesome breakfast option to start the day off right. New Jimmy Dean Delights Frittatas are made with real ingredients like whole eggs, lean meat, and real vegetables and they’re as easy as any grab-and-go breakfast with less of the good stuff.

Ready from the microwave in just two minutes, this quick and easy great-tasting breakfast is easily enjoyed at home or on the go.

For the fitness-minded, Jimmy Dean Delights Frittatas are also an excellent source of protein and contain 9-10g of carbs per serving, making it possible to enjoy a wholesome breakfast any day of the week.

Schedule an AM Workout

This year, I committed myself to running four half marathons. I did one in April and one in May, and though I was sidelined for June with an IT band injury, I’m hoping to get back at it this fall. I discovered long ago though, that I’m far less likely to squeeze in a morning workout unless it’s scheduled and I have some accountability.

Commit to running or going to a fitness class with a friend so that there is someone to torment you if you bail at the last minute, or sign up for a class at a yoga or cycling studio that will charge you if you don’t make it (I know that both of these are quite effective, from firsthand experience).

If there’s one thing worse than paying to exercise, it’s paying to not exercise in favor of an extra hour of sleep in nine-minute increments in between snooze alarms.

I admit that I don’t succeed at morning workouts all that often, but when I do, I always have more energy throughout the day and even though I’m hungrier, I make better food choices, especially after a protein-packed breakfast.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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