BBA Challenge (Week 20): Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire)

Bread Baking, Food


Remember the Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge?

Well, that’s okay. I don’t either.

Last May (or maybe it was June?) I signed on to bake my way through Peter Reinhart’s book, The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, along with a bunch of other bloggers who would be baking their way through the book.

The rules, very Julie-and-Julia style, were that you had to bake each bread from A-Z, no skipping, at a clip that suited you.

For awhile I baked a bread each week, sometimes two breads.

That didn’t last long.

So here we are, on #20, which is actually a bread that I would make again and again.

I’ve made it twice since my initial trial and love that you can shape it into a lovely little boule, my favorite bread to bake or follow the instructions for a more traditional loaf.

If you’re serving a heavy meal like pasta but bread on the table is non-negotiable, this is a good one to try.

It’s full of grains so you’ll get a dose of filling fiber and wind up eating less bread and saving more room for the main dish, whatever that may be.

We aren’t blogging the recipes (buy the book!) but I can tell you that regardless of how often you do or don’t bake bread, if you’re thinking about it, this book is the one to buy.

The book does pretty much everything except bake the bread for you and even if you’re a first time baker, Reinhart explains things so clearly that they’ll make sense even for a newbie.

There are some baking tools and implements that you’ll want to invest in, like a big air tight container in which to let your bread rise (as much as I have tried, a Dutch or French oven just does not cut it). But Reinhart doesn’t try to “up sell” you or recommend tools you won’t need.

Plus almost every item is something (like a pizza peel) that you can use for other purposes.

I love it and I can’t wait to head to week 21!


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  • Reply
    Bread Baker's Apprentice Challenge Week 18 Light Wheat Bread
    February 13, 2017 at 2:57 am

    […] obviously not one to shun any kind of bread, but on sandwiches, I’ll rarely choose an option that isn’t whole-wheat or multigrain. […]

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